#acl MoinPagesEditorGroup:read,write,delete,revert All:read ## Please edit (or translate) system/help pages on the moinmaster wiki ONLY. ## For more information, please see MoinMaster:MoinPagesEditorGroup. #language en `RandomQuote` macro selects random quotes from list items on this page. See also HelpOnMacros. Here are few tips for new users, or users that don't like to read the manual: * Edit the FortuneCookies page to display randomly selected wisdom here. * Tip: set your pages language with {{{#language en}}} processing instruction. See also HelpOnLanguages. * Tip: you can add your favorite pages to your navibar. See your Quicklinks list in UserPreferences. * Tip: you can search for multiple words, just like Google. See also HelpOnSearching. * Tip: get email notification when this page change, by clicking '''[[GetText(subscribe)]]'''.