#language ko #pragma section-numbers off #acl YoonKyungKoo:read,write All:read [[TableOfContents]] Welcome to Yoon Kyung Koo's Home!! You are the [http://c15.statcounter.com/t.php?sc_project=1560134&resolution=1680&h=1050&camefrom=&u=http%3A//www.javadom.com/eindex.html&t=Yoon%20Kyung%20Koo's%20Java%20Domain&java=1&security=d482e2db&sc_random=0.6242842194547025&sc_snum=1&.gif]th visitor to here since March 16, 1996. ----- = Bio = [http://www.javadom.com/images/onmydesk-20070525.jpg] * Software Innovation Evangelist and Mobile Software Innovation Designer * Previously, had most interests in implementing Java middlewares (Java EE, BPM, ESB, EDA, data grid, distributed clustering, ...), cloud platform, ... = Job History = * Founding Mobile Software Innovation Company (Preparing now) * TmaxSoft as a coder/researcher/R&D director (July, 2003 ~ August, 2010) * ERP SI project freelancer as a software architect (Nov, 2002 ~ June, 2003) * a little startup company as a coder/CTO (Oct, 2001 ~ July, 2002) * Thinkfree as a coder/general manager (Dec, 1999 ~ Aug, 2001) * Daewoo Telecom Ltd as a coder/researcher (Apr, 1996 ~ Nov, 1999) * a publishing firm as an editor (Feb, 1994 ~ Apr, 1995) ----- 홈페이지 관리를 거의 안하고 있습니다. 점점 더 블로그와 Facebook 중심으로 흐르게 되네요. 홈페이지는 과거 기록 중심으로 남겨두었습니다. = Site Navigator = * 블로그 : [http://logonjava.blogspot.com Log On Java] ---- * [:LogOnJava:Previous Log On Java Blog Articles] ---- * [http:/javabook A Java book I wrote] * [http:/tutorial A Java tutorial I wrote] * [http:/bbs An old Java Q&A board I maintained] * [http:/java/theme/hangul.html An old Java Hangul FAQ I maintained] ---- * [http:/opensrc My simple, open codes] * [http:/notes Technical Notes] * [http:/notes/java Tips and Notes on Java] * [http:/notes/j2ee Notes on J2EE, EJB, Struts] * [http:/notes/j2ee1.4 Notes on J2EE 1.4 AS] * [http:/notes/j2ee/struts-1.1-guide.pdf Struts Guide(Korean, PDF)] * [http:/docs Documents & Memo] * [http:/docs/emacs Emacs Resources] * [http:/docs/new/cvs CVS Guide(Korean)] * [http:/java/java.html Java Sites] = Java Tips = * [:JavaTips:Java Tips Begins!] = Bookmarks = * [:JavaSites:Java Sites] * [:InterestedLinks:Interested Links] = Tips, Documents, Notes, .. = 몇 가지 팁, 문서, 사고의 단편들... * NotesAndDocuments * Emacs 리소스 * Closure * Using Jakarta Slide * Using Hibernate * BSF * ... = Misc. = * [:JavaWiki:자바 위키를 시작하며~~] * [http:/personal/yoonforhatgmaildotcom.asc My PGP public key] * [http://cafe.daum.net/grimter.ob 서울대학교 만화동아리 그림터 OB 까페] * [http://my.statcounter.com/project/standard/stats.php?project_id=1560134&guest=1 View My StatCounter Stats] ----- This page was first published on March 16th, 1996