#acl YoonKyungKoo:read,write All:read
몇 가지 사고의 조각들을 주워둡니다.


== Emacs 리소스 ==
 * [http://ourcomments.org/Emacs/EmacsW32.html GNU Emacs for Win32 Build Project] : I copied the dlls for image rendering to GNU emacs bin directories from the EmacsW32 bundled emacs...
 * ["JDE for Emacs"]
 * [http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/PlannerMode Planner Mode (Emacs PIMS)]
 * [http://www.khngai.com/emacs/cygwin.php Using cygwin telnet in win32 GNU Emacs]
  * telnet works, but ftp doesn't work. (But Windows ftp.exe just works)
 * Using TRAMP ..
  * C-x C-f /<protocol>:<user id>@<host>:<remote path>
 * Emacs 22.2 for windows and Korean
  * add these commands to site-start.el to see Hangul correctly in the shell
       ;; below one line added for emacs-22.2
       (setq coding-system-for-write 'euc-kr-dos)
       ;; below should not be set
       ;; (setq coding-system-for-read 'euc-kr-dos)

;; below lines added for emacs-22.2
(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
      (defun my-shell-setup ()
        (setq w32-quote-process-args "\"")
        (set-buffer-file-coding-system 'euc-kr-dos)
        (set-buffer-process-coding-system 'euc-kr-dos 'euc-kr-dos)

      (setq shell-mode-hook 'my-shell-setup)


== Closure ==
 * WhatIsClosure

== Using Jakarta Slide ==

I've get into a need of a good repository. I found the Jakarta Slide can be a start point.
Below is my gatherings on Slide.


== Hibernate ==
The famous open-source OR mapper.

== XML ==
Java and XML ..

== BSF ==

Embedding some scripts into existing products is often required, and BSF should be a good scripting framework.


== BPM/Workflow Management System/Petri Net/Pi Calculus/... ==


== SQL Join ==

== SQL Performance Tuning ==

== GRASP Pattern ==

== Web 2.0 ==
 * [http://www.oreillynet.com/lpt/a/6228 What Is Web 2.0]
 * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2 Web 2.0 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]

== JSF ==

== SOA and EDA ==
 * [http://complexevents.com/ Complex Event Processing]
 * [http://thecepblog.com/ The Complex Event Processing Blog]
 * [http://soa-eda.blogspot.com/2006/11/how-eda-extends-soa-and-why-it-is.html SOA and EDA - Thoughts on Service Oriented Architecture and Event-Driven Architecture]
 * [http://www.w3.org/Submission/WS-Eventing/ Web Services Eventing (WS-Eventing)]

== Web Services Resources and Management ==
 * [http://www.w3.org/Submission/WS-Enumeration/ Web Services Enumeration (WS-Enumeration)]
 * [http://www.w3.org/Submission/WS-Transfer/ Web Services Transfer (WS-Transfer)]
 * [http://xml.coverpages.org/ConvergingWS-ResourcesEventsManagement20060315.pdf Toward Converging Web Service Standards for Resources, Events, and Management]

== Mozilla Thunderbird ==
=== Undelete messages from Mozilla Thunderbird ===

 * Mozilla stores messages in ''mbox'' format and it doesn't remove delete messages until ''compact folder'' is done.
 * In each message header, Mozilla uses extended header name '''X-Mozilla-Status''' to denote the status of the message. if you want to revive deleted mail message, change '''''0009''''' to '''''0001'''''.

== Unix Tips ==
 * [http://kb.iu.edu/data/afar.html In Unix, how can I split large files into a number of smaller files?]
  * split -l 100000 jjj.log jjj-part-
 * Line is too long (usually for VI, specify line width)
  * fold -w 255 file > file.new
 * extract some parts of a file (from line to line)
  * sed -n "1222,13355 p" filename

== Dot Project에서 Gantt 차트 한글 문제 ==

 * gantt 차트에서 한글 지원 문제
  * [http://wiki.kldp.org/wiki.php/dot%20Project KLDPWiki: dot Project]
현재 가동중인 OS > win_xp.
APM은 근사모에 있는 가장 최근것 사용.
사용언어 설정 : ALL UTF-8로 설정.

1. dotproject/lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php
>>27_line수정 DEFINE("TTF_DIR","c:/windows/fonts/");
>>177_line추가 DEFINE("FF_GULIM",18);
>>1796_line추가 FF_GULIM => array(FS_NORMAL=>'ngulim', FS_BOLD=>'ngulim', FS_ITALIC=>'ngulim', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'ngulim' ),
>>4461_line수정 elseif($this->font_family >= FF_COURIER && $this->font_family <= FF_GULIM) {

2. dotproject/lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_gantt.php
>>413_line수정 var $iFFamily=FF_GULIM,$iFStyle=FS_NORMAL,$iFSize=9;

3. dotproject/modules/tasks/gantt.php

>>       $name = strlen( $a["task_name"] ) > 65 ? substr( $a["task_name"], 0, 65 ).'..' : $a["task_name"] ;

       $name = strlen( utf8_decode($a["task_name"]) ) > 25 ? substr( utf8_decode($a["task_name"]), 0, 22 ).'...' : utf8_decode($a["task_name"]) ;

utf8_decode 부분 때문에 한글로 원활히 출력이 안되는것으로 생각 됩니다.
그러므로 utf8_decode 부분을 빼버리면 정상적으로 출력 되네요.

기타 간트챠트의 마진 부분은 jpgraph_gantt.php 파일에서 검색어 margin으로 검색하시면서 적절히 값을 조정해주면 됩니다.

위 두 파일만을 고친후 dotproject 1.0.1의 modules/tasks/gantt.php을 덮어 씌우라는 방법이
있긴 한데 dotproject 1.0.2에서는 아무리 해도 저는 해결이 안되었습니다.
결국 3번의 utf8_decode부분을 빼버리는것으로 해결 했습니다.
전문 프로그래머가 아니라서 그런지 정리해서 올리는것이 잘 안되네요.
  * a fix for above site :
dotProject 1.0.1은 이렇게 하면 한글은 나온다. 하지만 1.0.2의 경우에는 그렇지 못하다.
dotproject/modules/tasks/gantt.php에서 utf8_decode() 함수를 모두 찾아 삭제해줘야 한다.