#acl MoinPagesEditorGroup:read,write,delete,revert All:read ## Please edit (or translate) system/help pages on the moinmaster wiki ONLY. ## For more information, please see MoinMaster:MoinPagesEditorGroup. #language en [[TableOfContents()]] = 注意事项 = /!\ 本页第一层列表仅用于中文系统页的链接名. 请不要在这层列表中使用任何语言旗标, 原英文名和注释 - 最好把这些东西放到第二层列表上. 只有在第一层列表只包含中文系统页链接名时, 这个中文翻译组页才能被Moin很好地派上用场. 这一页上也不能把第一层列表用于别的用途. -- 英文原文自ThomasWaldmann [[DateTime(2004-11-27T12:16:52Z)]] 请注意在翻译的文本前加上(以["最新改动"]为例): {{{ #language zh ##master-page:RecentChanges ##master-date:2004-05-11 19:27:40 }}} 如果某一页已经完全翻译成简体中文, 请在该页的最后注明其英文原文以便用户参考, 比如: {{{ 此页的英文版本:RecentChanges }}} = 统一词汇表 = {{{#!CSV page; 网页; ==== 备 注 ==== size; 大小 site; 站点 wiki; 维基 homepage; 个人网页 Help*; 帮助* HelpOn*; 帮助-* link; 链接 edit; 编辑 change; 改动 template; 模板 category; 分类 Category*; *类 login; 登录 logout; 登出 user; 用户 password; 密码 account,profile; 帐号 info, information; 信息 }}} = 翻译进度 = This is a list of all english System``Pages (including Help``Pages) in this wiki, 大家一起来把它们翻成简体中文: 下面的列表中 || {en} ||只是刚从英文拷贝过来,没有翻译||simply copied from the english version, without any translation || || {en} {zh} || 翻译了一部分 || partially translated || || {zh} || 翻译完成 || completely translated || || {1} || 简单地将英文版本通过Include包含在中文版本中。等于没翻。||simply put the english version into the chinese version via Include, nothing has been really transtalted || || {1} {zh} || 简单地将英文版本通过Include包含在中文版本中,外加一些中文说明。||simply put the english version into the chinese version via Include, with some chinese explanation || || {X} || 英文原文不存在,没办法翻。||english version doesn't exist, can't translate|| || 其它 Others ||还没开始||nothing has been done|| == 系统网页 == * ["最新改动"] * {zh} RecentChanges * ["标题索引"] * {zh} TitleIndex * ["标题索引"] * {zh} TitleIndex * ["词汇索引"] * {zh} WordIndex * ["站点导航"] * {zh} SiteNavigation * ["查找网页"] * {zh} FindPage * ["用户设置"] * {zh} UserPreferences * ["需要网页"] * {zh} MissingPage * ["废弃网页"] * {zh} AbandonedPages * ["孤立网页"] * {zh} OrphanedPages * ["待建网页"] * {zh} WantedPages * ["事件统计"] * {zh} EventStats * ["事件统计/访问量"] * {zh} EventStats/HitCounts * ["事件统计/用户代理"] * {zh} EventStats/UserAgents * ["网页大小"] * {zh} PageSize * ["网页流量"] * {zh} PageHits * ["维基链"] * {zh} InterWiki * ["随机网页"] * {zh} RandomPage * ["结构化文本"] * {en} {zh} StructuredText * ["系统信息"] * {zh} SystemInfo * ["系统网页组"] * {1} SystemPagesGroup * ["维基个人网页"] * {zh} WikiHomePage * ["维基链接名"] * {zh} WikiName * ["维基沙盘演练"] * {zh} WikiSandBox * ["维基网"] * {zh} WikiWikiWeb * ["维基好坏说"] * {1} {zh} WhyWikiWorks * ["Xslt版本信息"] * {zh} XsltVersion * ["简体中文MoinMoin"] * {zh} MoinMoin * ["简体中文MoinMoin/文本排版"] * {zh} MoinMoin/TextFormatting * ["首页"] * {zh} FrontPage : - do not move this to 1st level as we do not want to update this page! * ["名言警句"] * {zh} FortuneCookies == 帮助网页 == * ["帮助目录"] * {1} {zh} HelpContents * ["帮助-新手入门"] * {1} HelpForBeginners * ["帮助-开发指南"] * HelpForDevelopers * ["帮助索引"] * {zh} HelpIndex * ["帮助-其他"] * HelpMiscellaneous * ["帮助-其他/试验性的功能"] * HelpMiscellaneous/ExperimentalFeatures * ["帮助-其他/常见问题解答"] * {1} HelpMiscellaneous/FrequentlyAskedQuestions * ["帮助-访问权限控制表"] * HelpOnAccessControlLists * ["帮助-操作"] * HelpOnActions * ["帮助-附件"] * HelpOnActions/AttachFile * ["帮助-系统管理"] * HelpOnAdministration * ["帮助-系统设置"] * {1} {zh} HelpOnConfiguration * ["帮助-系统设置/层叠样式表"] * HelpOnConfiguration/CascadingStyleSheets * ["帮助-系统设置/邮件支持"] * HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport * ["帮助-系统设置/安全策略"] * HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy * ["帮助-编辑锁定"] * HelpOnEditLocks * ["帮助-编辑"] * {en} {zh} HelpOnEditing * ["帮助-编辑/子网页"] * {en} {zh} HelpOnEditing/SubPages * ["帮助-排版"] * {zh} HelpOnFormatting * ["帮助-标题"] * HelpOnHeadlines * ["简体中文MoinMoin/安装手册"] * {1} MoinMoin/InstallDocs * ["帮助-安装"] * HelpOnInstalling * ["帮助-安装/Apache和MacOsx "] * HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnMacOsx * ["帮助-安装/Apache和Linux"] * HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnLinux * ["帮助-安装/Apache和Win32"] * HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnWin32 * ["帮助-安装/Apache和FastCgi"] * HelpOnInstalling/ApacheWithFastCgi * ["帮助-安装/Apache和ModPython"] * HelpOnInstalling/ApacheWithModPython * ["帮助-安装/基本安装"] * HelpOnInstalling/BasicInstallation * ["帮助-安装/InternetInformationServer"] * HelpOnInstalling/InternetInformationServer * ["帮助-安装/独立服务"] * HelpOnInstalling/StandaloneServer * ["帮助-安装/问题解答"] * HelpOnInstalling/TroubleShooting * ["帮助-安装/TwistedWeb"] * HelpOnInstalling/TwistedWeb * ["帮助-安装/WebLogic"] * HelpOnInstalling/WebLogic * ["帮助-安装/维基Farm"] * HelpOnInstalling/WikiFarm * ["帮助-安装/创建维基例程"] * HelpOnInstalling/WikiInstanceCreation * ["帮助-语言"] * {1} HelpOnLanguages * ["帮助-链接"] * {1} HelpOnLinking * ["帮助-列表"] * HelpOnLists * ["帮助-宏"] * {1} HelpOnMacros * ["帮助-宏/Include"] * ["HelpOnMacros/Include"] * ["帮助-宏/MailTo"] * HelpOnMacros/MailTo * ["帮助-导航"] * HelpOnNavigation * ["帮助-新建网页"] * HelpOnPageCreation * ["帮助-删除网页"] * HelpOnPageDeletion * ["帮助-分析插件"] * {en} HelpOnParsers * ["帮助-处理指令"] * HelpOnProcessingInstructions * ["帮助-处理插件"] * HelpOnProcessors * ["帮助-横线"] * HelpOnRules * ["帮助-搜索"] * HelpOnSearching * ["帮助-换肤"] * HelpOnSkins * ["帮助-放映幻灯片"] * {en} {zh} HelpOnSlideShows * ["帮助-放映幻灯片/000 前言"] * {en} ["HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction"] * ["帮助-放映幻灯片/100 创建幻灯片"] * {en} {zh} ["HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides"] * ["帮助-放映幻灯片/900 最后: 放映开始"] * {en} {zh} ["HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation."] * ["帮助-笑脸"] * HelpOnSmileys * ["帮助-拼写检查"] * HelpOnSpellCheck * ["帮助-表格"] * HelpOnTables * ["帮助-主题"] * HelpOnThemes * ["帮助-升级"] * HelpOnUpdating * ["帮助-升级Python"] * HelpOnUpdatingPython * ["帮助-用户设置"] * HelpOnUserPreferences * ["帮助-XML网页"] * HelpOnXmlPages * ["帮助-模板"] * HelpTemplate * ["语法参考"] * {1} SyntaxReference == 维基教程 == * ["维基教程"] * WikiCourse * ["维基教程/简介"] * WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction * ["维基教程/简介/000 维基是什么?"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/000 What is a Wiki?"] * ["维基教程/简介/050 迈出第一步"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/050 First Steps"] * ["维基教程/简介/060 如何浏览"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/060 How do I navigate?"] * ["维基教程/简介/090 编辑器"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/090 The Editor"] * ["维基教程/简介/091 使用编辑器的技巧"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/091 Tips on the Editor"] * ["维基教程/简介/100 文本标记"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/100 Text markup"] * ["维基教程/简介/110 标题和段落"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/110 Headlines and Paragraphs"] * ["维基教程/简介/130 列表"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/130 Lists"] * ["维基教程/简介/150 表格"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/150 Tables"] * ["维基教程/简介/151 宏"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/180 Macros"] * ["维基教程/简介/191 创建新网页"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/191 Creating new Pages"] * ["维基教程/简介/195 操作"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/195 Actions"] * ["维基教程/简介/200 维基风度"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/200 Wikiquette"] * ["维基教程/简介/210 组织和结构"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/210 Organisation and Structure"] * ["维基教程/简介/900 练习"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/900 Exercises"] * ["维基教程/简介讲义"] * ["WikiCourse/BasicIntroductionHandOut"] == 分类 == * ["网页分类"] * {zh} CategoryCategory * ["个人网页类"] * {zh} CategoryHomepage == 模板 == * ["帮助模板"] * {zh} HelpTemplate * ["个人网页模板"] * {zh} HomepageTemplate * ["幻灯讲义模板"] * {zh} SlideShowHandOutTemplate * ["幻灯放映模板"] * {zh} SlideShowTemplate * ["幻灯片模板"] * {zh} SlideTemplate