#language en Please feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below... and please do '''NOT''' create new pages without any meaningful content just to try it out! '''Tip:''' Shift-click "HelpOnEditing" to open a second window with the help pages. ---- == Formatting == ''italic'' '''bold''' {{{typewriter}}} `backtick typewriter` (configurable) ~+ bigger +~ ~- smaller -~ {{{ preformatted }}} {{{#!Colorize python def syntax(highlight): print "on" return None }}} == Linking == HelpOnEditing MoinMoin:InterWiki http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ [http://www.python.org/ Python] someone@the.inter.net === Image Link === http://c2.com/sig/wiki.gif == Lists == === Bullet === * first 1. nested and numbered 1. numbered lists are renumbered * second * third mal sehen blockquote deeper === Glossary === Term:: Definition === Drawing === drawing:mytest = Heading 1 = == Heading 2 == === Heading 3 === ==== Heading 4 ==== ===== besonders gross ===== ПростоТест = IRC Log test = {{{#!Colorize irc (23:18) < jroes> ah (23:19) < jroes> hm, i like the way {{{ works, but i was hoping the lines would wrap (23:21) -!- gpciceri [~gpciceri@host181-130.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] (23:36) < ThomasWal> you could also write a parser or processor (23:38) < jroes> i could? (23:38) < jroes> would that require modification on the moin end though? (23:38) < jroes> i cant change the wiki myself :x (23:39) < ThomasWal> parsers and processors are plugable (23:39) < ThomasWal> so you dont need to change the core code (23:40) < ThomasWal> you need to copy it to the wiki data directory though (23:40) < jroes> well, what i meant to say was that i dont have access to the box running the wiki (23:40) < ThomasWal> then this is no option awdsd asdasd sa asdasd sad asdadasds adasd asd asd asd asd asd a dadad ad adad ad asd asd adad asdasd asd adad as d (23:40) < jroes> yeah :/ }}} ["新ページ"]