Who is YoonForH?

English Korean
I'm a Java architect with several experiences of Java package software development team leading, J2EE architect, and several Unix based C/C++ projects, ...

Personal Information

My Resume

    PROJECTS INVOLVED IN Daewoo Telecom Ltd. (as a researcher)        
       -. TICOM III Firewall (1996/04/01 ~ 1997/01/31)                
          : implemented GUI management module                         
          : language - Object Pascal(Delphi 1.5)                      
          : O/S - MS Windows 3.1/MS Windows 95                        
       -. KT Freetel PCS HLR (1997/02/01 ~ 1998/09/30)                
          : designed and implemented OAM                              
             (Motif based GUI/MML and several daemons) modules        
          : language - C, X/Motif                                     
          : O/S - Data General DG/UX R4.11MU04                        
       -. HANARO Telecom MSC CAMA EXIP (1998/10/01 ~ 1998/12/26)      
          : designed & implemented CDR I/F process                    
          : language - C++                                            
          : O/S - Sun Solaris 2.5.1                                   
       -. HANARO Telecom WLL IWF CAMA (1998/12/28 ~ 1999/02/27)       
          : designed & implemented GUI & MML module                   
          : language - Java 2                                         
          : O/S - Microsoft Windows NT 4 Server                       
       -. WIN IP Project: (1999/03/02 ~ 1999/10/12)                   
          : was responsible for                                       
            IP Finite State Machine Module (aka FSM),                 
            Transaction Manager Module (aka TMM)                      
            Log Manager Module (aka LMM)                              
          : language - C++                                            
          : O/S - SCO Unixware 2.1.3                                  
       -. IP Project: (1999/10/13 ~ 1999/11/22)                       
          : was responsible for                                       
            IP Measurement MML Interface (aka TSSB)                   
          : language - C                                              
          : O/S - Sun Solaris 2.6                                     
    PROJECTS INVOLVED IN ThinkFree Korea. (as a general manager)      
       -. ThinkFree Office 1.5: (1999/12/01 ~ 2001/01/05)             
          : was partly responsible for                                
            Write 1.5 (from 2000/09/01 led the module development)    
          : language - JDK 1.1.x                                      
          : O/S - Java VM 1.1.x                                       
       -. ThinkFree Office 2.0: (2000/09/01 ~ 2001/05/20)             
          : was fully responsible for                                 
            Write 2.0 (module owner/team lead)                        
          : language - JDK 1.3.x                                      
          : O/S - Java VM 1.3.x                                       
       -. internal project with codename OASIS :                      
                                   (2001/03/15 ~ 2001/06/30)          
          : project team lead                                         
          : an internal server side project for enterprise market     
          : language - JDK 1.3.x                                      
          : O/S - Sun Solaris 7, Win32                                
          : TOOLS - Apache tomcat, MSVC, ...                          
       -. internal project for embedded devices :                     
                                   (2001/07/01 ~ 2001/08/31)          
          : project team lead                                         
          : an internal client side project - embedded application    
          : language - personaljava 1.1 or 1.2                        
          : O/S - Tao-group elate VM, Insignia Jeode VM,              
                  Transvirtual Kaffe VM                               
    PROJECTS IN a little firm (as an R&D director and chief coder)    
       -. Web Service Framework: (2001/10/15 ~ 2002/07/31)            
          : chief coder and set up the development staffs             
          : language - JDK 1.3.x                                      
          : O/S - Java VM 1.3.x                                       
       -. Misc. (i18n, flash script compiler, flash format viewer) :  
                                      (2001/10/15 ~ 2002/07/31)       
          : one man coder                                             
          : language - JDK 1.3.x, JDK 1.4.x                           
          : O/S - Java VM 1.3.x/1.4.x                                 
    WEB-based ERP PROJECT (as a contract J2EE architect)                    
       -. a J2EE application : (2002/11/01 ~ 2003/06/20)
          : architect,                                                
            implemented a WebLogic Security SPI,                      
            created a code generator tool using zip format template,  
            oracle create table sql statement parser,                 
            sql to xml converter,                                     
            and more ...                                              
          : language - Java SDK 1.3.x, 1.4.x(code gen. tool)          
          : O/S - Java VM 1.3.x                                       
          : Tools - WebLogic Server 7.0sp1,                           
                    SoftForum SafeSignOn,                             
                    Jakarta Struts framework                          

    Projects in TmaxSoft (as an EAI Team Lead/Chief Researcher)
       -. EAI product v2.1 : (2003/07/01 ~ 2003/11/15)
       -. EAI product v3 : (2003/11/17 ~ )

    BOOKS I wrote                                                     
      -. Java 2 with Jina(Feb. 1999, Daerim)                          
          : an introductory Java book. 497 pages                      
      -. Java 2 SDK 1.4 Start to Completion (Feb. 2003, Daerim)       
          : a comprehensive Java book. 1201 pages                     

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Last modified: Sun Jun 04 22:01:02 +0900 2006