
  1. Again, at my starting place
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  3. Java Tips
  5. Tips, Documents, Notes, ..
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Welcome to Yoon Kyung Koo's Home!! You are the's%20Java%20Domain&java=1&security=d482e2db&sc_random=0.6242842194547025&sc_snum=1&.gifth visitor to here since March 16, 1996.

Welcome, this is YoonForH's home.
I'm a Java architect and coder using mainly Java, sometimes C/C++, ... ,
and have several experiences in program management (was a word processor project team lead and later was a director of a web service development project in another company), UML, SS7, threads(posix and UI) programming and overall development process.
I feel attraction in handling package software development issues... 
I'm currently building a BPM(Business Process Management) software package in Tmax Soft. I implemented BPEL4WS engine and BPMN(XPDL 2.0) based Workflow engine in Tmax BizMaster 4.x. 
I'm trying to deliver more information over Java and Process Languages(BPEL4WS and BPMN).

Again, at my starting place

어처구니 없는 일로 꽤 오랜동안 유지해오던 사이트를 잃어버리고 다시 열게 되었습니다. 어쨌든 자바에 관한 여러 가지 이야기들을 계속해서 나누려고 합니다.

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Java Tips


Tips, Documents, Notes, ..

몇 가지 팁, 문서, 사고의 단편들...


This page was first published on March 16th, 1996

last edited 2010-12-23 05:21:31 by YoonKyungKoo