
Basic Installation

Before you can integrate MoinMoin into your web environment, you have to install the MoinMoin source code and data files using the standard Python distutils mechanism ( This page explains the steps you usually need to take to do this. For more details on the distutils installation process, consult the [WWW] Installing Python Modules document in your Python documentation set.

The installation is similar on Windows and Linux (and other POSIX-type systems; for simplicity, we just say "Linux" in the docs).

Check if Python is working

MoinMoin needs Python to run, so the first step is to check if an usable version of Python is installed and correctly set-up. If this is not the case, you will have to fix that before you can proceed.

The CHANGES file in the MoinMoin archive mentions what versions are supported. Python 2.2.2 is the minimum requirement for MoinMoin 1.3, but we suggest you use the latest Python 2.3.x version because Python 2.2.x has annoying known bugs. You can use Python 2.4.x if you want, it works well too.

You can download Python at [WWW]

If you are pretty sure an acceptable version of Python is installed but the commands below do not work, this may be because your Python files are not in the search path. Correctly setting the search path is outside the scope of this document; please ask for help on your favorite Python, Linux, or Windows discussion board.

If you have shell access, checking if Python is working is very simple. Just type the following command, and look at the result:

> python -V
Python 2.3.4

If you don't have shell access, you can try using this pythontest.cgi script (it assumes that you are using a Linux kind of webserver). Upload the script to your cgi-bin directory, use chmod a+rx pythontest.cgi (or a similar command in your FTP program) to make it executable, and invoke it using your web browser.

echo Content-Type: text/plain
echo "Your web server is running as:"
echo "CGI scripts work"
echo "Now we try to invoke Python interpreters and get their versions:"
python -V 2>&1
python2 -V 2>&1
python2.0 -V 2>&1
python2.1 -V 2>&1
python2.2 -V 2>&1
python2.3 -V 2>&1
python2.4 -V 2>&1
echo "Finished."

If it doesn't display "CGI scripts work", well, then CGI scripts don't work. :) If it doesn't show one or more Python version numbers, you have to make sure that Python is correctly installed.

Download MoinMoin

To download the distribution archive, go to the [WWW] download area and fetch the lastest archive.

Unpack the archive

The next step is to unpack the distribution archive (which you have done already if you are reading this text from your hard drive). If you read this on the web, the distribution comes in a versioned .zip or .tar.gz archive, which you can unpack as shown below.

The distribution archive will always unpack into a directory named moin-<version>, for example moin-1.3.

Here is how you would unpack the archive (using GNU tar) and enter the directory with the MoinMoin files:

> tar xzf moin-1.3.tar.gz
> cd moin-1.3

Install MoinMoin

You can install MoinMoin to either:

The installation to a system location is easier, so choose that if possible.

/!\ If you have several versions of Python installed, please use the same version for setup and for running the wiki. Usually, the latest Python version will get the best results.

Note: On Linux, if you have problems with the install step, you may need to have the Python development files installed. Some Linux distribution put them in a separate package, not installed by default. For example, on Mandrake you need to "rpm -i python-devel-2.x.x-xmdk.i586.rpm".

Installing in the default system location
> python --quiet install --record=install.log

This installs MoinMoin to the default system location (typically the Python directory, for example on Linux, inside /usr/lib and /usr/share). Look at the install.log file to see what was installed, and where.

Installing in the home directory or another specific location

Linux example, installing in the home directory:

> python --quiet install --prefix=$HOME --record=install.log

Windows example, installing in the C:\moin directory:

> python --quiet install --prefix=C:\moin --record=install.log

All MoinMoin files will then be installed inside those directories, see install.log to know which files were installed, and where.

Note: You will likely see the following warning:

This means exactly what it says, you need to add your install directory to the search path of Python, or it won't find the MoinMoin code.

For example, if you are running using a webserver and standard CGI, edit moin.cgi and add your installation directory to the Python path, like this:

import sys

Check that everything is working correctly

As a final step, if you have access to the shell or the command prompt, you can check that everything is correctly installed and ready to run. Start Python and type import MoinMoin. Nothing should be displayed in response to this command. Example:

> python
Python 2.3.4 (#1, May 29 2004, 17:05:23)
[GCC 3.3.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import MoinMoin

If you get this instead:

>>> import MoinMoin
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ImportError: No module named MoinMoin

then you have to tune your installation. Try modifying sys.path, as described above.

What you have now

So, you have a ready-to-work MoinMoin installation now. Congratulations! Before you go on to configuring it, take a look at the various files and directories that have been installed.

/!\ It is important that you understand the different locations used in a MoinMoin setup, so read this carefully.

In the following descriptions, PREFIX is what you used with the command, or a default location when you didn't use the --prefix option. Typical default values are /usr and /usr/local. X and Y are the main version and the subversion of Python. Typically, X is 2 and Y is 3 or 4.

Look into install.log to find out about following important locations:

We talk of templates in the share directory because you usually will not use those files at that location, but copy them elsewhere when you need them. This way, you can set-up several wikis without problems, and easily upgrade to new MoinMoin versions.

last modified 2004-12-11 15:03:12